ON THE SPOT - 7 Pictures of Hell in Strange Version

The following are 7 pictures of hell in strange version based on OnTheSpot Trans 7:

1. The House of Lies
In the ancient Persian religion of Zoroastrianism, the soul after the death of the first to cross the bridge and met a young woman who represents the personification of their actions in life.

If the deceased had led a good life, she looks beautiful, while to the sinner he was horrible. Could not be better for them, either: sinners and then thrown into the House of Lies, in which the damned continue to eat "rotten food. "This includes the dead bodies, rotting food and some rather nice body fluids. It's too dark, smelly, and no matter how crowded it is, people think they are alone.

2. Irkalla
According to Babylonian mythology To reach hell, must first pass through seven gates, the gatekeepers in bribes each with a piece of clothing or jewelry. Exactly why they are so eager to get a bit of a puzzle, because it is a stretch of dark, dreary where everyone is forced to eat and drink dust alone, and not much else to do. Also, all the people there wear fur for several reasons. The saddest thing about hell Babylon, though, that it's not really a big punishment for mistakes - with the exception of a few heroes, everyone should go there.

3. Helheim
This is the ultimate goal for the Vikings who had the misfortune to not die a glorious death. Unlike most modern version of hell, Helheim is very cold. The entrance is guarded by four-eyed dog, named Garmr bloodied, and some notes all over the place overseen by a giant eagle called the 'corps-eater (eating dead bodies)' whose wings can create an icy wind. As if that was not bad enough, the Vikings are very bad deeds go to an area under Helheim called Niflhel, which is even more dark and cold

4. Avici, or the Hell of No Interval
If you are a follower of the teachings of the Buddha's Pure Land, this is where the worst of Buddhist hell can you enter this very badly. so, you can only get here if you do the five 'great sin': basically, you have to kill someone who is very holy, like, your own parents. this place is surrounded by an iron wall, snake additional iron, and iron fire-breathing dog. The inhabitants of hell are actually able to die there, but is reborn into the same hell, which is slightly disappointing.

5. Narak
According to Hindu scriptures, hell is divided into at least twenty-five parts according to his sinful deeds. To get an idea of ​​what's happening in each place, one hell realm is called 'Diarrhea,' and 'Forest of Sword Blades'. In some versions of Hindu hell, whether the patient is actually forced to carry their own punishment, such as up and down the thorn trees torn to pieces.

6. Kasyrgan
In Mongolian shamanism, soul died assessed before Erkil Khan, the prince of hell. If their bad deeds more than good deeds, they were sent to the hell known as Kasyrgan, where they are boiled in the black asphalt in a giant cauldron. The chief of sinners who are stuck there forever, but people who have committed at least some good deeds in life may be increased gradually towards the surface of the tar, until the crown of his head reaches the surface. The people in heaven who benefit from good deeds in life, then it can send a special passion to understand the sinner by the hair, and pulled it toward heaven.

7. Black Thread Hell
In Tibetan Buddhism, 'Black Thread Hell' is given to people who like to slander, liars and people who mistreat their parents. Sinners are marked with black stripes, and then cut along the lines with a saw on fire. But if you sin in different ways, do not worry! The book describes the hell is displayed in a total of sixteen hell, eight versions of 'cold' and eight other versions that have the name also a description, like 'Crushing Hell' (punishment for cruelty to animals) and 'Loud Screaming Hell "(punishment for theft).

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